'My markers in the sand': my latest article in Coaching at Work

My article ‘My markers in the sand’ has been published in the July/August 2018 edition of Coaching at work.
Organisations which buy coaching can, knowingly or unknowingly, prevent the embedding of the learning it enables: organisational cultures can pull in the opposite direction from the messages from such learning.
I’m curious about what these tensions mean for my place as external coach – and as part of the management of these tensions I now express my values, my philosophy and my expectations of organisational adaptation at the beginning of every coaching programme. I hope that my doing so will help the integration of the changes that result from the coaching.
This might mean some difficult conversations. Such conversations can enable learning, or alternatively reveal that I’m not the right coach for the particular organisation.
For a pdf of the article contact me at lw@lindsaywittenberg.co.uk
Photo by Norbert Reimer via Compfight