Nourish Your Practice: new article in Coaching at Work

My article ‘Nourish Your Practice’ has been published in Coaching at Work January 2017.
My reflection before and after every coaching session is an intrinsic part of any coaching that I deliver: without it I would be simply skimming across the surface of what is actually going on and what the possibilities for change could be. I encourage my clients to reflect too. Of course the coaching session itself is a reflection experience, and many of them remark on – and are surprised by – the value of slowing right down to pause, and be more aware of themselves and their systems.
As Kathleen Adams put it: ‘Writing connects us to the parts of ourselves that have been lost, abandoned, neglected, forgotten or ignored. We learn that there are wise, friendly and sensible selves within us that want to succeed. They are willing to share their wisdom with us. Writing is the bridge.’
See my article here or contact me to request a pdf
Photo by C. P. Ewing via Compfight