The neuroscience of wellbeing, stress and mindfulness

Following the success of our neuroscience workshops with neuroscientist, academic researcher and qualified coach Dr Geoff Bird (of the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, London, and the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL), we are offering our next event in June 2014.
Delegates to date have included coaches, consultants, trainers, Learning and Development specialists, change specialists, HR professionals and financial advisors.
Our most recent workshop – ‘The Neuroscience of Learning and Performance’ – took place in London on 20th February 2014. Participants’ feedback spoke of it as ‘invaluable’, ‘fascinating’ and ‘thought-provoking’, and they valued hearing the evidence from a scientist as well as having the opportunity to reflect on what it meant for their own work with clients.
Our next workshop will take place near Old Street in London, on Thursday 19th June 2014 13.30-17.00 and will explore the Neuroscience of Wellbeing, Stress and Mindfulness. You will learn about:
- What neuroscience tells us about how to maximise wellbeing
- The impact of stress on your own brain and behaviour and those of your client
- What happens to the structure of the brain and its effective functioning when you practice mindfulness
Further workshops will cover:
Applying What You’ve Learnt about Neuroscience – a practical hands-on session: Thurs 3rd July 2014 2pm-5pm
The Neuroscience of Learning and Performance: Thurs 18th Sept 2014 1.30pm – 5pm
The Neuroscience of Wellbeing, Stress and Mindfulness: Thurs 6th Nov 2014 1.30pm – 5pm
The Neuroscience of Leadership: Thurs 22nd Jan 2015 1.30pm – 5pm
Watch this blog for sign-up details. Even better, register here to receive occasional e-mails so that you can be sure to catch the announcement, as these workshops sell out fast.
Photo by ZEISS Microscopy via Compfight