Research report on spaciousness
A fascinating new research report on spaciousness has just been published: ‘Permission to Pause: Rediscovering ‘spaciousness’ at work’ by Professor Megan Reitz and John Higgins. It highlights not only what spaciousness is, but also its place and value in organisational life.
Two modes of behaving: doing and spacious
The researchers highlight two different modes of behaving: ‘doing’ (paying attention to action, achievement, productivity and the like – the territory of busyness) and ‘spacious’ (attention is focused on enquiry and exploration, interdependence and relationship). Their research separates busyness from flourishing, revealing one of the underlying principles that this work rests on: that busyness and flourishing are mutually exclusive: you can’t flourish if you’re caught up only with doing, achieving, producing.
Busyness seems to be part of the entrenched culture in many systems and organisations, say Reitz and Higgins, to the extent that it is worn as a badge of honour, a status symbol, regardless of its utility or appropriateness. Not only that, but it seems to be spreading, militating against the kind of thoughtfulness that helps ensure that action is the right action. We get seduced into looking as though we’re busy, for fear that we might be judged as deficient in some way, simply because we may be reflecting or working through resolving a problem. The jacket on the back of the chair, outside normal working hours, purporting to suggest a hard-working employee (rather than an overworking employee) suggests a sense of shame should that employee be thought of as ‘not busy enough’.
Interdependencies and relationships
This intense focus on task risks missing the point that can be revealed through double-loop learning: ‘Are we doing the right things?’. It inhibits clarity of view in relation to interdependencies and relationships – those systemic factors that help to account for organisational health and flourishing if attention is paid to them, and that illuminate the complexity that is an inevitable part of organisational life. It clouds what is both present and what may be emergent, hiding it from sight, paving the way for shocks and surprises. It inhibits creativity and innovation. As Reitz and Higgins say: ‘Without the ‘spacious mode’, our ‘doing mode’ is impoverished, misdirected and occasionally absurd and harmful. The widespread absence of spaciousness means we cannot truly innovate, develop trust, transform, find meaning, or maintain physical and mental health’.
A definition of spaciousness
They define spaciousness as: ‘An expansive and unhurried attention where we are neither grasping towards the next moment, nor running away from the previous one. We are aware of our interconnection with the world around us, free from the expectations of how we need to be and what needs to happen next, curious and open to potential’ and they stress that spaciousness is about attention, not time, and it’s about a way of being, rather than a tool or an instrument or action.
Mindfulness and psychological safety
There’s much here that brings to mind for me both mindfulness (paying attention on purpose, in the present moment and without judgment) and psychological safety (the belief that it’s safe to take the interpersonal risk of speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns or mistakes because you won’t be criticised, undermined, humiliated or punished for it.) In environments of psychological safety questions are appreciated, ideas are welcomed, and errors and failures can be explored and discussed. Neither mindfulness nor psychological safety easily accommodate measurable outcomes – but they underpin behaviours that boost measurable outcomes because they allow attention to be directed to where it’s really needed, rather than being constrained by any pressure or expectation of ‘success’ or ‘achievement’.
I’m struck, too, that spaciousness seems to enshrine effective listening – not as doing but as a way of relating to others.
Emergent and interconnected
The doing mode is of course valid – but it isn’t sufficient on its own for organisational health. In the spacious mode, as Reitz and Higgins say, ‘we see the world around us as dynamic and relational …. The ‘things’ of the doing mode are seen in the spacious mode as emergent, interconnected, processes rather than fixed and standalone objects. The spacious mode brings into focus interdependencies and how we impact and are impacted by others and the world around us.’
Our world is becoming increasingly complex, and complexity isn’t best dealt with by seeing it as composed of discrete objects, in serial relationship with each other. We need to seek, allow for and see the interdependencies, we need to take multiple perspectives, we need to tolerate – indeed welcome – uncertainty and the fact that ways forward may emerge gradually and in relationship with each other. Premature definitive decisions and action planning may offer only part of an appropriate approach. Spaciousness enables more of the bigger picture to become clear.
How to introduce spaciousness into organisations?
I’m wondering: given that spaciousness is counter-cultural in many organisations, because it doesn’t necessarily provide immediate solutions or output, how can it be introduced if we think it furthers the organisation’s agenda? Of course, it isn’t only a way of being for teams and groups. It’s also a way of being that we as individuals can offer to ourselves – space, time and ease to reflect, to enquire into, to notice, to become aware (which, of course is what coaching offers). Can it perhaps be encouraged as a facet of effective leadership? Can it become a way for a team to be – to be with each other and with others on a broader basis, rather than a token of productivity?
And the irony is that the most effective way of introducing spaciousness into a resistant organisation is to create spaciousness in order to welcome this new concept, to explore it, to experiment with it, to enquire into it, and to hold it lightly.
Spaciousness for the report
This research report is rich and has considerable depth. It offers rewards to those who can create the spaciousness to read it and engage with it.
Photo by Maria Teneva on Unsplash
A fascinating new research report on spaciousness has just been published: ‘Permission to Pause: Rediscovering ‘spaciousness’ at work’, by Professor Megan Reitz and John Higgins. The researchers highlight two different modes of behaving: ‘doing’ (paying attention to action, achievement, productivity and the like – the territory of busyness) and ‘spacious’ (attention is focused on enquiry and exploration, interdependence and relationship). Their research separates busyness from flourishing. Busyness seems to be part of the entrenched culture in many systems and organisations, militating against the kind of thoughtfulness that helps ensure that action is the right action. There’s much here that brings to mind for me both mindfulness (paying attention on purpose, in the present moment and without judgment) and psychological safety. Spaciousness it isn’t only a way of being for teams and groups. It’s also a way of being that we as individuals can offer to ourselves.
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I find myself curious about not only the somatic nature of memory and memories, but also about the memories that exist in organisations because of, for example, individuals’ relationships with previous leaders and colleagues, and how important it is to take account of them: these memories carry significant power in terms of having shaped some of the attitudes, motivations and expectations that people bring to work. This is the stuff of systems, revealed often in a facilitated engagement with systemic constellations. It can be useful and revealing for a current leader to reflect on the imprint of previous leaders in their role, and to respect it rather than being tempted to dismiss it (and be the ‘new broom’), simply because that leader was in the past. The memory of past leaders may be very alive today because of their embodied impact on the team and the organisation. The recently-arrived leader does well not to trample on memories nor to impose organisational Alzheimer’s.
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I'm remembering moments when clients have articulated a sense of shame in not being able to sort all their challenges out themselves. However, these challenges – and many others – are a normal part of everyone’s lives. Somehow we’ve learnt to equate ‘alone’ or ‘separate’ or even ‘isolated’ with ‘strong’ and ‘resilient’. In reality, precisely the opposite is true. ‘Alone’ and ‘coping alone’ are brittle ways to be. As human beings we are interdependent. When one element is vulnerable, that vulnerability will impact all the others, no matter how seemingly distant. Equally, when one element is helped, resourced and strengthened by another, that too will be felt in some way by other elements. Collective intelligence is always superior to the intelligence of one individual. We need to recognise and value vulnerability and a need for help.
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Every November 13th, the world celebrates World Kindness Day - a global reminder of how small acts of kindness can create a ripple effect that strengthens our connections to one another. Kindness begets kindness - and it also gets more of value achieved. It’s close to compassion, and to the exercise of compassionate leadership. It certainly beats the effect of not noticing or caring how things are for The Other, of inconsiderate or unwarranted criticism, of self-absorption to the exclusion of others, or of neglecting others and their interests. Kindness creates precious connections and scope for collaboration, which is critical for innovation, change and versatility: the employee who feels seen and heard, taken account of and considered, will feel led with strength.
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Three of my coaching clients have decided to leave their jobs and their employers. In all three cases their reasons related to the way they were treated at work. One felt diminished, shut down and rendered voiceless by their line manager. The other two felt unvalued and unrecognised by their line managers. It has looked to each of them that those leading and managing them have been predominantly concerned with being seen as ‘right’, with protecting their own internal empires and with self-protection. My clients have felt crushed, sidelined, unseen and voiceless. If one looks at the seniors with compassion, the contexts in which they are working and the variety of pressures on them, and expectations of them, together with their possible exposure in front of a wider audience, come into view. How might it have been possible for my clients to seek ways in which to establish better connection, to be more curious and to stimulate more curiosity, and to bring more compassion and more self-compassion?
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What does ‘home’ actually mean? What will we tolerate or sacrifice in order to find home? What isolation, loneliness or lack of rootedness is acceptable? What might we cling on to from any previous sense of home that we have had? Home can be a knowing of oneself, a clarity about who one really is, and a feeling of not only familiarity, but also ease with that, as well as home in terms of a knowing of the systems one exists as part of. This is, it seems to me, critical for the leader if they are to lead with assurance, with empathy and compassion, with insight and versatility, and with the capacity to recognise and manage complexity. When the leader is not at home in the figurative sense, they lack the rootedness and stability that come with feeling ‘at home’ with themselves. A well-developed sense of self-awareness, and an awareness of the systems they form part of, almost implicitly bring a sense of acceptance of both self and system which can be very steadying to be with, including through turbulent, difficult, challenging or uncertain times. And my sense is that that acceptance is a significant component of the leader feeling at home and being at home. The impact for the leader’s teams may mirror any or all of the impact for the individual leader – and likewise for the effectiveness of both.
Read more »Out of control
Two topics relevant to leadership have arisen for me: on the one hand, some leaders’ effort (and expectation) to control, and, on the other, the reality that all organisations and teams operate in a context of complex systems. In fact, success in the quest for control is impossible because all organisations consist of constantly moving parts in interrelationship with each other. The constant moving creates changes in the interrelationships and therefore in the interdependencies. This approach to leadership doesn’t usually lead to engagement or discretionary effort. It may lead to compliance, but it doesn’t lead to flourishing, health or vibrancy in an organisation. One way of seeing how systems work is through systemic constellations: when one element moves its position, so do all the others. Their relationships to each other change, which will have implications for what needs attention at any given moment, and what kind of attention. Control, or an attempt to control, simply doesn’t work: the system has a life of its own.
Read more »What holds me back?
For some time I’ve been in conversation with Julian Burton, change consultant, creative artist, facilitator and leadership coach. Julian has created a number of pictures that have reflected scenarios we’ve each been witness to in our work and conversations that we have co-facilitated with public sector leaders – and the one at the head of this piece is amongst his latest. Some of what I find striking about it is what I see, some is what I experience, and some is thought and curiosity. I’m curious about what you may see, experience and think when you look at the picture. If you’re a public sector leader, a safe and spacious space for conversation and for nurturing hope with like-minded leaders can make a significant difference. This is the kind of conversation that Julian and I enable and facilitate. If you’d like to join us, please drop me an e-mail at lw@lindsaywittenberg.co.uk
Read more »Either-or, us or them: the perils of polarisation
A polarised position is characterised by a certainty. Boundaries are created which become increasingly strong, rigid and immovable with the passage of time and the reinforcement of the conviction of being right. In these contexts I notice a lack of critical, objective thinking and of curious enquiry. One ‘side’ is split off from the other by a stubborn blindness. Difference from ‘the other’ is reinforced too: the sense of ‘I’m right and you’re wrong’ morphs into ‘I’m good and you’re bad’, which in turn morphs into ‘I’m acceptable and you’re unacceptable’. This can also move into the idealisation of one’s own leader and the demonisation of the other’s leader. Those who take a polarised stance usually don’t recognise it. Neither are they open to rationalisation, compromise, or any nuancing of belief, so no amount or persuasiveness of data makes any impact. On a team or at an organisational level it can seriously inhibit effectiveness and flourishing. It can be very difficult for a person taking a polarised position to engage in dialogue because they come from a conviction of already being right rather than seeking collaborative thinking which can offer them learning if they are willing to open their minds to unfamiliar and unwanted perspectives.
Read more »

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