'Just being': my article in Coaching at Work

My reflection column ‘Just being’ has been published in the January 2018 edition of Coaching at Work.
Coaching objectives, measurables and performance are usually the framework within which coaching sponsors in organisations measure the value and the return on investment from coaching programmes. However, they are irrelevant to some of my clients, certainly at the start of their coaching programmes: these clients want to stop ‘doing’ and start ‘being’.
‘Doing’ keeps them out of trouble but offers no fulfilment or satisfaction, whereas – ironically – objective-free coaching offers them the time and space to just ‘be’ that are essential for them to profoundly engage with their coaching objectives.
This objective-free engagement needs me both to be deeply present and to manage the process carefully. It’s a rich experience for me as coach: to be with a client who more than meets their sponsor’s objectives by having found a fresh way of being.
If you’re a subscriber to Coaching at Work you’ll find the article here. Or simply mail lw@lindsaywittenberg.co.uk to request a pdf.
Photo by Jacqui Shropshire Trump via Compfight