Trust and safety in coaching

My article ‘Trust and safety in coaching’ has been published in the September issue of Coaching at Work.
When a client trusts their coach they can feel safe enough to engage with their inner world – and a certain kind of magic can happen. The richness of both dialogue and data that is enabled by deep trust can uniquely empower the client to face difficult or energising truths, and can also stretch the boundaries of what they’d previously thought was possible. This matters because, as coaches, we actually know very little about our clients’ lives through the interactions we have with them.
The client needs to feel intrinsically safe enough to surface thoughts that they may have managed themselves into avoiding.
When I bring focus to being mindful, compassionate, systemically-orientated and curious, the client may reveal their carefully-protected inner life – comfortably and to the benefit of their coaching.
For a pdf copy of the article, contact me at or if you’re a Coaching at Work subscriber, see it here
Photo by Mark Whittaker via Compfight